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ENG: Kandidatemne: California Dreaming: A History of the Golden State (ka) ( forår 2009 - 10 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: engelsk
  • Niveau: Kandidat
  • Semester/kvarter: 2. semester
  • Timer per uge: 2
  • Deltagerbegrænsning: 16
  • Undervisningssted: Århus
  • Hovedområde: Det Humanistiske Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 12116


Ved bedømmelsen af prøvepræstationen vil der blive lagt vægt på, i hvor høj grad den studerende

- demonstrerer kendskab til emnet og de relevante tekster, teorier og problemstillinger.

- demonstrerer færdighed i litteratursøgning, selektion og disponering af et givet stofområde.

- bruger relevante fagbegreber, -teorier og -terminologier.

- anvender relevante analytiske metoder.

- giver en teoretisk reflekteret analyse af afgrænsede problemer.

- reflekterer over den anvendte teoris videnskabsteoretiske eller videnskabshistoriske egenart.

- forholder sig vurderende til den anvendte teori.


No single state better reflects the diversity and dynamism of the United States than California. If California were an independent nation, it would be the world's 6 th largest economy. California is symbolic of the American Dream, and it broadcasts American myth and reality through the global media capital in Hollywood. But it also encompasses many of the challenges and failures of modern America. Having adopted the quintessential artifact of 20 th American technology, the automobile, more fully than anyplace in the world, it is plagued by urban sprawl, congestion and traffic. Racial diversity and economic inequality - the mansions of Beverly Hills are only a 10 minute drive from the ganglands of South Central L.A. - have led to repeated urban riots, disturbances and violent crime.

The course will commence with an exploration of California's pre-European contact indigenous roots and will move on to Spanish colonization, a period that has left an indelible mark on California culture to this day. Next, it will examine how the Gold Rush transformed California from a sleepy backwater of Mexico to a member of the United States.

Immigrants have played an essential element in the emergence of California as the largest and most influential state. Since the 1980s, it has supplanted New York as the prime gateway for people seeking the American Dream. The continuing waves of immigration and their impact, from colonial Spaniards, then Asians and Yankees during the Gold Rush, followed by immigrants from the rest of the United States and all continents during the 20 th century will be reviewed.  

California has always been known for innovation and non-conformism. Various social and political movements, such as progressivism and environmentalism, have received great impetus from California. The Hells Angels and Beatniks of the 1950s have their origins in California. The Haight Ashbury district of San Francisco spawned the counterculture and hippies, while across the Bay, Berkeley gave the nation the free speech and anti-Vietnam War movements. Today, California is one the prime battlegrounds in the Gay Rights Movement.

California's impact has not been limited to the liberal side of the political spectrum, however. The rise of the conservative wing of the Republican Party to national dominance has been fueled by social phenomena emanating from California. Ronald Reagan began his political career as governor of the state, and Howard Jarvis's tax revolt of the 1970s spearheaded a movement toward reduced government in the US.

 Today, California faces numerous economic, social and environmental challenges. From outsourcing of Silicon Valley jobs, to new waves of Hispanic and Asian immigrants, both legal and illegal, and global warming and water shortages, the state faces a wide range of issues. The final question to be explored will be whether California can draw upon its substantial resources and innovative talents to address these problems, or if we will see the American Dream fade as an attainable goal for many of its citizens.

Faglige forudsætninger

Bestået bacheloruddannelse.


David Harding

Undervisnings- og arbejdsform

Undervisningen i disciplinen foregår på hold, og der lægges vægt på arbejdsformer, der kan omfatte læsning af primær- og sekundærtekster, mundtlige bidrag fra de studerende, holddiskussioner samt gruppearbejde.



The title of the main history will be determined by December 15 th . A compendium of readings is being compiled and will be available by the start of the semester.

Studieordning og bedømmelse

2. del af sidefaget i engelsk

  • Fri.hj.opg.ind., bedømt efter 7-skala uden censur
  • Mundtlig, bedømt efter 7-skala med ekstern censur

Kandidatoverbygning i engelsk

  • Fri hj.opg., bedømt efter 7-skala med intern censur
  • Hj.opg., bedømt efter 7-skala uden censur
  • Mundtlig, bedømt efter 7-skala med ekstern censur
  • Prakt. opg., bedømt efter Bestået/ikke bestået uden censur

Kandidatuddannelsen i engelsk

  • Fri hj.opg., bedømt efter Bestået/ikke bestået uden censur
  • Fri hj.opg., bedømt efter 7-skala uden censur
  • Fri hj.opg. ind., bedømt efter Bestået/ikke bestået uden censur
  • Hj.opg., bedømt efter Bestået/ikke bestået uden censur
  • Hj.opg., bedømt efter 7-skala uden censur
  • Hj.opg., bedømt efter 7-skala med intern censur
  • Mundtlig, bedømt efter 7-skala med ekstern censur
  • PC-eksamen, bedømt efter Bestået/ikke bestået uden censur
  • Prakt. opg., bedømt efter Bestået/ikke bestået uden censur
  • Skriftlig, bedømt efter Bestået/ikke bestået uden censur
  • Undervisningsdeltagelse, bedømt efter Bestået/ikke bestået uden censur

Sidefag i Engelsk - deltidsuddannelse

  • Fri.hj.opg.ind., bedømt efter 7-skala uden censur
  • Mundtlig, bedømt efter 7-skala med ekstern censur

Mundtlig eller skriftlig eller hjemmeopgave eller formidling eller aktiv, tilfredsstillende deltagelse i undervisningen.

Udvalget af eksamensformer afhænger af, hvilken kandidatlinie den studerende følger.