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4847: Transnational Management ( forår 2009 - 10 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: engelsk
  • Niveau: COURSE LEVEL: Elective project-based master's course.  
  • Timer per uge: NUMBER OF HOURS PER WEEK: 4 hours in 9 weeks. The time allocated to project guidance will depend on the number of students enrolled. Total workload is equivalent to 10 ECTS.  
  • Deltagerbegrænsning: RESTRICTIONS ON ADMISSION: 40 students with at least a BSc in Economics and Management or a BA in Business Administration.  
  • Undervisningssted: Århus
  • Hovedområde: Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 15143



With the firms as the primary unit of analysis and management decisions as the key variables at the end of this course the student will be able to
1. Analyze a real life global business organization by running multiple concurrent analyses and utilize organization theory concepts and their application in real situations
2. describe a new global strategy for the firm or describe a new policy in a specific business area of the firm by running a multiple scenario analysis examining the dynamic managerial choices
3. formulate a plan of strategic integration based on an evaluation of the organizational consequences of the suggested plan defining the challenges and misfits and utilize organization theory and organizational behavior concepts
4. reflect of the sustainability of the suggested plan in future of the chosen company
5. reflect of future role of the multinational enterprise in the global economy
6. apply Org Con 9 or later software as a decision support tool and evaluate the tool critically based on the learning process.




This course focuses on the management challenges associated with developing strategies and managing the operations of companies whose activities stretch across national boundaries.

The course will provide a conceptual framework of the interplay between the multinational corporation, the countries in which it does business, and the competitive environment in which it operates.

Students will contribute to the discussion in class by making, in groups, presentations of readings and cases. Students will analyze the current and future situation of a multinational company of their choice, which will be reported in a paper. The size of the groups will depend of the number of students enrolled.



With the firms as the primary unit of analysis and management decisions as the key variables the course has 8 main subject areas
1. Expanding Abroad: motivations, means, and mentalities.
a. Focus on the role of administrative heritage, cognitive orientation of managers

2. Understanding the International Context: responding to conflicting environmental forces
a. Focus on the tensions created political demands to be responsive to national differences and economic pressures globally integrated, and the need to develop and diffuse worldwide innovation and learning

3. Developing Transnational Strategies: building layers of competitive advantage
a. Focus on approaches a Multinational National Enterprise can use to obtain competitive advantage in the international context.

4. Developing a Transnational Organization: managing integration, responsiveness, and flexibility
a. Focus on the organizational structure and the complex and dynamic environment

5. Creating Worldwide Innovation and Learning: exploiting cross border knowledge management
a. Focus on how to manage cross-border knowledge transfer and worldwide learning

6. Engaging in Cross Border Collaboration: managing across corporate Boundaries
a. Focus on boundary spanning and alliances and interfirm networks.

7. Implementing the Strategy: building multidimensional capabilities
a. Focus on the implementation of transnational strategies and organizational performance.

8. The Future of the Transnational: an evolving global role
a. Focus is on the questions about the current and future role of the multinational enterprise in the global economy.


Faglige forudsætninger


1 sem. Organizational Theory, 8035: Organizational Behavior, 4845: International Management.




Mikael Søndergaard.


Undervisnings- og arbejdsform


Lectures, discussion, presentations in class, case analysis, project guidance.




Christopher Bartlett, Sumantra Ghoshal and Paul Beamish 2007, TRANSNATIONAL MANAGEMENT: TEXT AND CASES 5/E 978-007-125915-6. 600 pages (main text book)

Burton, Richard M., Obel, Borge 2004, Strategic Organizational Diagnosis and Design: Developing Theory for Application, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 478 pages, ISBN: 978-1-4020-7685 (manual for the ORG CON software)

Research material for developing the paper equivalent of about 300 pages.



  • Hj.opg. + Mdt., bedømt efter 7-skala med ekstern censur
  • 5 xxxxx


Hand in paper of 30 pages, (references, footnotes and appendixes excluded)

The oral presentations and the overall contribution to the discussions in class have to be passed before submitting the paper. The passing grade is obtained by presenting cases analyzed by using the Org Con software. Each student as a member of a group must present 3 cases following the teaching objectives of the course. In order to pass "the overall contribution to the discussion in class", students must be present in class at least 60% of the teaching sessions during which they actively participate in the case discussion at the end of the case presentation either on their own initiative or when asked.

Finally, there will be an individual oral exam of 20 minutes' duration based on the written project.