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International Project Management ( forår 2009 - 10 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: engelsk
  • Niveau: Kandidat
  • Semester/kvarter: 2. semester
  • Timer per uge: 1x3 timer
  • Deltagerbegrænsning: 35
  • Undervisningssted: Århus
  • Hovedområde: Det Humanistiske Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 12245


Based on the theories and concepts in the literature of this course and literature from International Buisness Analysis (or similar courses), it will in the final evaluation be taken into account to what extent the student:

  • can describe projects as organizational structures with the characteristics stemming from a unique purpose and planned ending
  • can compare projects with other types of temporal organizational structures
  • can describe variationsin projects stemming from project type, scope, the base organization's structure and the relation between the base organization and the project
  • can argue for the consequences of these variations for project management issues such as goal formulation, planning, risk analysis, delegation, control (of time, resources and quality) and evaluation of the project
  • can describe and analyze the use of project management tools, techniques and methods
  • can desribe and analyze how theories on organizational behaviour affect projects, management of projects and use of project management tools, techniques and methods.

Based on the above and using describtions from real life situations, it will be taken into account to what extent the student:

  • can analyze the situation and dianose the project type based on appropriate theoretical models for characterizing the project type, scope and organizational setting
  • can discuss the selected theoretical models and argue for their implications for the choice of project management tools, techniques and methods in the specific situation
  • can select and discuss application of appropriate tools, techniques and methods for improving the situation
  • can refelct on the limitations of the choices of models and tools, techniques and methods

In order to receive top grading, the student must be able to analyze a real life situation and from the curriculum of this course and International Buisness Analysis (or similar courses) select all relevant theoretical modelas appropriate for the situation. The selcetion must be argued. From the situation, the student must be able to argue for the selection of all the appropriate tools, techniques and methods and reflect on their relevance and limitations.


Der anvendes i stigende grad projekter til at organisere og håndtere komplekse problemstillinger og for at forøge synergien ved at sammenbringe specialister til at arbejde på at nå et fælles mål. Projekter varierer i spændvidde fra små interne projekter til store komplekse internationale projekter og i slutresultatet fra konstruktion af forudspecificerede enheder (som fx en bro) til meget politiske og dårligt definerede arbejdsopgaver (som fx at reducere fattigdom i en region af et udviklingsland).

Kurset inkluderer følgende emner:

  • Projekttyper (afhængig af spændvidde, produkttype og relationen til den overordnede organisation). 
  • Projektledelsesmetoder med særlig fokus på projektlederens rolle. 
  • Projektøkonomi, risikoanalyse og kontrol. 
  • Modeller til at evaluere projektledelsesmetoder (contingency modeller and fasemodeller). 
  • Ledelse af internationale projekter med særlig fokus på ledelsesstil. 
  • Ledelse af interne organisatoriske projekter.

Faglige forudsætninger



Lars Brincker

Undervisnings- og arbejdsform




Tonnquist, Bo: Project Management. Academica 2008. [ISBN: 978-87-7675-728-1]. 342 pages required text.
Boddy, D. 2002. Managing Projects: Building and Leading the Team. Pearson Education. 168 pages required text.

Christenson, D. and D. H. T. Walker (2004). Understanding The Role Of "Vision In Project Success. Project Management Journal: 39-52.
Engwall, M. (2003). No project is an island: Linking projects to history and context. Research Policy 32: 798-808.
Engwall, M. (2002). The futile dream of the perfect goal. Ch. 14 in Beyond Project Management, Copenhagen Business School Press: 261-277.
Hørlück, J. (2006). Notes on project definitions and types: 12 pages.
Hørlück, J. (2007). Notes on Risk and Risk Management: 20 pages.
Jones, J. V. 2006. Total Life Cycle System management. In Cleland, D. I. & Gareis, R. (Eds.), Global Project Management Handbook: Pages 4.1-4.18.
Keil, M., J. Mann, et al. (2000). Why Software Projects Escalate: An Empirical Analysis and Test of Four Theoretical Models. MIS Quarterly 24(4): 631-639.
Packendorff, J. (2002). The temporary society and its enemies. Ch. 3 in Beyond Project Management, Copenhagen Business School Press: 39-58.
Pinto, J. K. (2000). Understanding the role of politics in successful project management. International Journal of Project Management 18(2): 85-91.
Stewart, R. W. and J. Fortune (1995). Application of systems thinking to the identification, avoidance and prevention of risk. International Journal of Project Management 13(5): 279-286.
Turner, J. R. and S. J. Simister (2001). Project contract management and a theory of organization. International Journal of Project Management 19(8): 457-464.
Ward, S. and C. Chapman (2003). Transforming project risk management into project uncertainty management. International Journal of Project Management 21(2): 97-105.
Webster, G. (1999). Project definition - the missing link. Industrial & Commercial Training 31(6): 240-245.
Approximately 100 pages.


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