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Ved bedømmelsen af prøvepræstationen vil der blive lagt vægt på i hvor høj grad den studerende
In spite of half a century having passed since the Chinese occupation, Tibet and the Tibetans continue to figure prominently in the public sphere and in today's mass media. The diaspora of Tibetans across the globe has brought with it an internationalization of the Tibet issue that further has increased the focus on Tibet and things Tibetan. Spearheaded by the activity of the Dalai Lama, Tibet and the fate of the Tibetan people have become known to the world to a much greater degree than the low population and remoteness of the country otherwise would suggest. In this process, however, Tibet has also entered a somewhat dual existence as an actual (occupied) nation state and a cause célèbre of the imagination of the world. In this course we will trace both of these Tibetan trajectories that each bring their own unique account of the country, its people, religion, and culture. In doing so we shall look at Tibetan social and cultural history and examine ways in which history is used to create identities of self and state as well as its influence on current Tibetan models of self-identification. Along with these discussions we shall also examine the contemporary treatment of Tibet in the media and investigate ways in which Tibetans, Chinese and Westerners construe their own unique versions of Tibet that are highly influenced by their particular cultural, social, and historical background. The course will provide students with a sound knowledge of Tibetan cultural history, an understanding of the uniqueness of the Tibetan people, and an appreciation of the complexities surrounding the independent status of the Tibetan nation state. By applying these topics to broader themes of self, individuality, and national identity the course should also be of interest to students with research interests outside the Himalayan region.
Regionen i Regionalt Tema 2 skal være forskellig fra regionen i Regionalt Tema 1.
Andreas Doctor
Undervisningen foregår som holdundervisning. Mindre skriftlige øvelser, studenter- eller læsegruppeoplæg, m.m. kan forekomme.
Forelæsningerne gives på engelsk, holddiskussionerne på dansk.
Grundbog for kurset:
Powers, John. 2007. Introduction to Tibetan Buddhism .Ithaca, Snow Lion.
Prøven er: Fri mundtlig på baggrund af synopsis. Hjælpemidler: Alle.
Varighed incl. Bedømmelse: 30 min.
Prøven består i, at den studerende giver en mundtlig præsentation af max. 20 minutters varighed om et selvvalgt emne inden for den givne region. Emnet skal godkendes af underviseren. Den mundtlige fremstilling skal indeholde en redegørelse for emnets empiriske og teoretiske placering i den regionale kontekst. Præsentationen kan følges op med uddybende eller opklarende spørgsmål med udgangspunkt i emnet og præsentationen.
Samtidig med den mundtlige prøve fremlægges:
1) En skriftlig synopsis (max. 1 normalside) over den mundtlige fremstilling
2) Den til prøven udarbejdede litteraturliste. Denne skal rumme mindst 20 titler, hvoraf mindst én skal være en monografi. Højst to tredjedele af titlerne må optræde på undervisningsplanens læseliste.
Kvaliteten af synopsis, formalia vedrørende litteraturlisten, samt formidlingstekniske aspekter indgår modificerende i bedømmelsen, hvor hovedvægten vil ligge på det faglige indhold.