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Ved bedømmelsen af prøvepræstationen vil der blive lagt vægt på i hvor høj grad den studerende
The field of study is social interaction as it unfolds in different social and cultural contexts. Students will get a thorough introduction to methods from Conversation Analysis, which rely on recordings and transcripts of social interaction, and to Ethnographic methods relying on participant observation and/or interviewing. Based on this introduction, students will carry out analyses of instances of social interaction based on the methods introduced.
The course appeals to MA students from both Anthropology/Ethnography and Linguistics, and can also be followed by students from other disciplins with some background in Ethnography or Interaction studies. The course addresses a need in Anthropology to supplement methods like participant observation and interviewing with methods building on replayable recordings and transcription of interaction. And, similarly, it addresses a need in Interaction Linguistics and Conversation Analysis to enrich the micro-analyses of recorded interaction with ethnographic methods and perspectives.
The course has two teachers, one from Anthropology/Ethnography and one from Linguistics.
Valgfag 2 skal adskille sig tematisk, teoretisk eller metodisk fra Valgfag 1.
En relevant BA-uddannelse er endvidere en forudsætning for at følge dette kursus.
Lotte Meinert & Jakob Steensig
Undervisningsformen kan variere alt efter valg af disciplin.
Anvises af underviser før kursusstart på First Class.
Prøveform: Fri skriftlig hjemmeopgave
Omfang: Max. 15 sider pr. studerende
Prøven kan udarbejdes i samarbejde med andre studerende, dog således at alle dele af opgaven undtagen problemformulering og konklusion kan gøres til genstand for individuel bedømmelse. Det skal således fremgå af besvarelsen hvilke afsnit de enkelte er ansvarlige for.
Prøven må have deltagelse af max. 2 studerende.