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IC MP2 Media Production 2 (2009 ed) ( forår 2010 - 10 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: engelsk
  • Niveau:   Bachelor of Arts
  • Semester/kvarter:   2nd semester
  • Timer per uge:   6 approx.
  • Deltagerbegrænsning:   30 - 35 students on each team
  • Undervisningssted: Herning
  • Hovedområde: Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 22955



The primary aim of the course is to provide students with intermediate knowledge to design, plan, develop and implement static websites, which include non-interactive animations and digitally manipulated images.

The course will also offer an introduction to Search Engine Optimization theories and strategies. The course will provide tools for this work in the form of introduction to digital photography techniques for the web, introduction to theories concerning the use and development of non-interactive animation for the web, and intermediate image manipulation and optimization.

The students will gain knowledge about Organic Search Engine Optimization.



To achieve this aim, students have to acquire the following qualifications:

a) Knowledge about:

  • Taking pictures for the web: basic digital photography techniques
  • Use of non-interactive animations in the web
  • Planning, design and development of non-interactive animations for the web (Flash latest version)
  • Optimizing web sites organically

b) Proficiency in:

  • HTML / XHTML programming using WYSIWYG tools (Dreamweaver latest version)
  • CSS programming using WYSIWYG tools (Dreamweaver latest version)
  • Manipulation, optimization and correction of images for the web (Photoshop latest version)
  • Analyzing, planning, developing and launching static web sites that comply with the w3c standards, the relevant web design theories, and with the customer's needs; and which includes digitally manipulated images and non-interactive animations that are relevant to the contents of the web site (Flash latest version)
  • Development of a design manual and an organic search engine optimization strategy (documentation)

Faglige forudsætninger


Media Production I



Undervisnings- og arbejdsform


60 lessons which combine theory with practical assignments





To be announced at the beginning of the course

Studieordning og bedømmelse

Bacheloruddannelsen i international communication and multimedia

  • ingen eksamen, bedømt efter 7-skala med intern censur



During the semester, the students will write a semester project combining the courses Media Production II, Organisational Communication, Intercultural Studies and Fundamentals of Marketing. The topic of the project will be given by AU-IBT and the students should demonstrate their knowledge about and proficiency in Media Production II.

 A randomly selected number of students may attend an oral examination based on the report and the syllabus.

The report, the website, and the oral examination are assessed by the teacher and an internal censor.

Students receive one mark according to the Danish 7-point scale



If the student fails to obtain the mark 02 at the ordinary exam the student will receive a case to develop within a three week period. The student will have to create an XHTML/CSS-based website which includes pictures taken and edited by the student, non-interactive animations, and which complies with all the relevant design theories, as well as the case's requirements. The web site has to be accompanied by a 5-page report which clearly explains the choices made on the development of the website in relation to design, animation and photography theories, as well as  other relevant courses. A design manual which includes all the technical documentation has to be developed and attached to the website. The design manual has to include detailed information concerning every image and animation included on the website. All the graphic material used on the website has to be original and created by the student.

The report and website are assessed by the teacher and an internal censor.

The student receives one mark according to the Danish 7-point scale.