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B TMAR International Marketing Communications (German) ( forår 2010 - 10 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: tysk
  • Niveau: Bachelor
  • Semester/kvarter: 6 th semester - elective course
  • Timer per uge: 5 hours
  • Deltagerbegrænsning: None
  • Undervisningssted: Herning
  • Hovedområde: Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 16954


The objective of the course is that the student acquires knowledge about research and central theories within marketing communications. In addition, the objective is to enable the student to give an account of this knowledge, and to use this knowledge in evaluating issues within marketing communications. Furthermore, the objective is that the student - after completing the course - will be able to use the acquired knowledge in developing marketing communications plans and in attending to other marketing and communications tasks in cooperation with a firm's marketing and export team. 



The foundation of the course is the knowledge and understanding which the student has acquired during previous semesters. The purpose is relatively practical with special emphasis on active participation of the students. Exercises and cases strengthen the student's competences and ability to apply her/his knowledge in practice.


The primary focus of the course is the role of marketing communications as an integrated part of marketing on different markets with regard to cultural differences and social conditions. Subjects to be covered may include market analyses including principles behind and methods of questionnaires, communication planning and execution with regard to the characteristics of the different types of media. 

The students are invited to submit a number of individual and/or group assignments during the course.

Faglige forudsætninger

All courses during 1 st -5 th semester


Elizabeth Vestergaard

Undervisnings- og arbejdsform

To be announced at the beginning of the semester.



To be announced at the beginning of the semester.



Assessment - Standard Course Evaluation                                               

  • 1) Standard Course Evaluation - full time students
  • 2) Standard Course Evaluation - exchange students


Assessment - Bachelor Project                                            

  • 3) Bachelor Project



See descriptions of each assessment method below

•1)      Standard Course Evaluation - full time students

Exam form                           Written examination.

Exam duration                     24 hours 

Exam Aid                              all


Exam evaluation                   External censor                  

Marking scale                                             7-point scale



Evaluation - full time students:

The written examination in International marketing communications is a 24-hour take-home exam consisting of a free, written account in English or German based on a case within marketing communications. To a limited extent, the assignment may include a translation to or from the foreign language and text production in the foreign language.

•2)      Standard Course Evaluation - exchange students

Exam form                          A written report and subsequent oral examination based on the paper

Exam duration                   oral exam: 20 minutes

Exam Aid                             all


Exam evaluation                 internal censor                    

Marking scale                      7-point scale


Length of report                  5 pages of app. 1800 characters without spaces per page



Evaluation - exchange students:

To pass the course the student must hand in an individual paper on a topic of the student's own choice within the areas covered during the course and approved by the teacher. Subsequently the student will sit for an oral exam which will take its point of departure in the topic covered by the paper.


•3)      Bachelor project                                                              

The students will work out a Bachelor Project report and sit for an oral examination according to the requirements specified in the "Bachelor project description".