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M1 Livscyklusvurderinger af fødevarer og innovative teknologier ( forår 2010 - 10 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: engelsk
  • Niveau: Graduate course. Obligatory
  • Semester/kvarter: 3rd+4th quarter (spring)
  • Timer per uge: Totally: Lectures: 55,  Project work: 90, Supervising: 50, Preparation: 81
  • Deltagerbegrænsning: 24
  • Undervisningssted: Århus
  • Hovedområde: Det Naturvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 23984


The aim is to provide participants with the basics of sustainability assessment together with practical experience on working with system approach using its major methodologies and scientific methods. Specifically, the use of LCA will be practiced as evaluating tool of  environmental issues associated with food production and with innovative technology implementation in bioproduction.


A system evaluation of bioproduction including technology development needs a logical systematic assessment approach. After having analysed relevant economic, ecologic and social sustainability issues, sub-issues and indicators should be defined. Participative methods identifying stakeholders should be included. Validation and impact analysis by quantifying the indicators and evaluating the measurements will follow. Often scenarios or parallel systems are used to compare results. Life cycle assessment methodology will then be elaborated, including carbon footprint and impact analysis. LCA focuses on the ecological and environmental impact originating from a product system throughout its entire life cycle. The assessment includes extraction of raw materials, production, usage, transport and removal. Both as a concept and as a scientific method, it is used to analyse product systems, ranging from single materials to more system oriented scenario evaluations. Specifically, LC assessments are used to investigate and evaluate the environmental impact of introducing new production technologies in bioproduction. This course gives an insight into the various methodologies of sustainability analysis including live cycle assessment. The following points are included:

  • Comprehensive overview of system approach in life sciences
  • Sustainability analysis and what it can be used for
  • Technology assessment
  • An overview of the development of LCA into a scientific based and standardised quantitative methodology for environmental impact assessment
  • Detailed identification and explanation of each stage of LCA from the setting of goal and scope, through to inventory analysis, impact assessment and finally to interpretation.
  • Practical examples and case studies to demonstrate the methodologies
  • Identification of off-the-shelf LCA software tools and available evaluations

Faglige forudsætninger

Bachelor degree


Frank Willem Oudshoorn; e mail Frankw.Oudshoorn@agrsci.dk

Claus Grøn Sørensen

Undervisnings- og arbejdsform

The teaching method will be organised as problem-based learning. The course will consist of a mixture of expositions of the theoretical matter combined with different problem-based project reports. The course consists of different parts:

  • lectures
  • exercises, with or without software
  • presentations by students of case studies
  • the writing of a report
  • an examination


The teaching will involve academic skills like critical and reflective study of methods and oral and written dissemination of findings



Literature and articles will be provided during the course


Aarhus School of Engineering


After the course the students are capable

  • To explain the basics of system approach in scientific research
  • To explain the basic components of sustainability, and make sustainability inventories
  • To explain how to assess systems, using qualitative and quantitative research
  • To use LCA as a methodology for environmental assessments
  • To explain what possibilities and limits LCA has for assessment of food production and technology implementation
  • To explain scenario analysis and evaluation methods.
  • To critically analyze sustainability assessments, impact, and documentation.
  • To write a written report of an assessment using IMRDC
  • To make an audible presentation of  a short inventory and assessment
  • To carry out  group assignments

Studieordning og bedømmelse

Kandidatuddannelsen i biosystemteknologi

  • PC-eksamen, bedømt efter 7-skala med intern censur
  • Skriftlig, bedømt efter 7-skala med intern censur

2 hours written and 30 minutes oral examination with all means of aid incl. PC but without internet access. A written report (individual or group) on a given assignment to be handed in before examination, will be used to determine the grading weighting 20%.

Internal examiner, the Danish 7-point grade scale