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UK MATE Methods and Approaches to Technology in Enterprises ( forår 2010 - 5 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: engelsk
  • Niveau: M.Sc. (eng.)
  • Semester/kvarter: 1 st semester
  • Timer per uge: 4 hours per week
  • Deltagerbegrænsning: None
  • Undervisningssted: Herning
  • Hovedområde: Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 31113


The goal of "Methods and approaches to Technology in Enterprises" is to enable the student to carry out credible and reliable interventions with technology, and investigations of technology in enterprises. The student should be enabled to delimit a problem area of interest, identify and use theory (including from the semesters core courses), create an appropriated conceptual model, plan and carry out laboratory testing, plan and carry out other types of quantitative or qualitative data acquisition. Carry out systematic parameter variation, analyses of data, and organise the reporting of the results.

The course aims at supporting the company projects, the technology specialisation and finally the master thesis. Engineering students usually experience problems planning the entire flow of a problem oriented study. This course develops skills on methods and approaches focusing on company problems like understanding the features of a technical device, and/or the possibility to adapt to new technologies and business opportunities by for example organizational change and development. Such technical investigation may feed innovative technological products- and product concepts, manufacturing and/or business processes and business opportunities.

Specifically the course should demonstrate knowledge on the following topics:

  • Delimit a theme and a main problematic aiming at examining the company's existing structure, business processes and culture.
  • Plan and carry out a restricted literature search
  • Develop an appropriate model and frame of understanding
  • Juxtaposing or synthesising plural elements of differentiated paradigmatic origin
  • Identify and systematise parameters for experimental work (like temperature, pressure)
  • Identify and develop tools for qualitative investigations such as interviews and observations
  • Identify and develop tools for quantitative investigations such as questionnaires
  • Carry out analyses of the gathered data

One major success criteria of the project is the student's ability to relate the project work to a new technology in an active, emphatic and critical manner.


  • Main research paradigms in the area of technology in enterprises
  • Tools for developing a researchable problem and -theme
  • Examples of relations between problem, theory , method, data analyses and results
  • Cooperation with stakeholders with interest in a technological problem

Faglige forudsætninger

The core courses of the semester.


Course responsible: Hans Henrik Hansen

Undervisnings- og arbejdsform

Classes, group discussion, case examples, mutual feedback on synopsis for project work



A basic set of texts is given covering engineering methods in a comprehensive way. The student is expected to find a sufficient amount of relevant scientific literature on their own, in order to respond to the main aim of the project.

Studieordning og bedømmelse

Kandidatuddannelsen i teknologibaseret forretningsudvikling

  • Hj.opg. + mdt. ind., bedømt efter 7-skala med intern censur

The student is asked to develop the problem formulation and method section of his/her company project . If the student does not have a company by 1 November, he/she is asked to work on a given case study. This report is part of the final assessment and counts for one third of the examination mark. It has to be submitted one week before the examination.

The course ends up with an oral exam of 30 minutes during which the student is to:

  • answer a theoretical question on the course content (first 10 minutes)
  • present (10 minutes) the report in the form of a PowerPoint Presentation with a substantial emphasis on:
  • Independent, relevant and factual information of interest to other students and the company.
  • - Consistent, attractive and communicative PowerPoint presentation. 
  • discuss the methods used in the report (last 10 minutes).

Examiner: Lecturer and internal examiner.