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ved bedømmelsen af prøvepræstationen vil der blive lagt vægt på i hvor høj grad den studerende:
viser indgående kendskab til et emne inden for suppleringsfagets område
er i stand til at perspektivere til sit centrale fag
er i stand til at formulere, analysere og bearbejde en problemstilling inden for et afgrænset emne og behandle det i forhold til en relevant tværfaglig optik
er i stand til at træffe bevidste teoretisk og metodiske valg
er i stand til at fremstille viden om europæiske forhold
viser færdighed i at anvende teori i analyse
demonstrerer forståelse af metodiske problemstillinger
kan fremstille og formidle et emne skriftligt.
This seminar focuses on the intellectual, methodological and practical challenges and prospects involved in the process of researching, writing and completing the BA-project* in European Studies. The seminar departs in the students' own projects, and requires participants to present and discuss their projects and work-in-progress in class. While there will be teacher directed presentations on issues such as choosing topics, the process of organising research, writing techniques, and project presentation skills, the main agenda will be set by the projects chosen by the participating students. Hence, the seminar requires that students present and discuss their projects at various stages, and introduces ways to do so. With the aim of underlining the interdisciplinarity of the European Studies programme, the seminar is co-taught by two key staff members.
* Students who are not enrolled in the supplementary programme and who participate in either the course European Politics or the course Cultural Topic may participate in this course, if they wish, and take their exam as a written 20 points exam rather than as a 10 points oral exam. Please consult the student counselor or the relevant teacher for information.
Den studerende kan først tilmelde sig til prøven i bachelorprojekt, når samtlige prøver på første semester af suppleringsfaget er bestået.
Janne Bleeg og Marc Eaton
En seminarrække, hvor de studerende løbende kan fremlægge og diskutere deres projekter. Derudover individuel vejledning.
Required reading (ordered at Stakbogladen):
Lorraine Blaxter, Christina Hughes and Malcolm Tight, How to Research. Open University Press, 2006.