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ved bedømmelsen af prøvepræstationen vil der blive lagt vægt på, i hvor høj grad den studerende.
demonstrerer analytisk og praktisk forståelse af kursets emne
demonstrerer kendskab til fagets teoretiske og metodiske problemstillinger
er i stand til at anvende fagets teorier og metoder på et empirisk materiale
kan vurdere og analysere kulturanalytiske problemstillinger
har kendskab til kulturelle argumenter i dikussioner i diskussioner om europæisk integration og samarbejde.
The objective is to provide the student with knowledge of and skills in analysing a cultural topic relevant to European integration and cooperation. Through the reading and practical exercises, the discipline will provide the student with an understanding of the roles culture plays in relation to the integration processes in Europe and to the cooperation between Europeans.
In the 1980s, social scientist predicted the end of nationalism. Since then, Europe has been haunted by violent ethnic conflicts and the creation of new nation-states which have also affected the European political community.
This course deals with theories of minorities, nationalism and ethnic conflict and seeks to apply these on specific cases in Europe.
Students must be prepared to make presentations and group work
Janne Bleeg
Undervisningen vil bestå af læreroplæg, studenteroplæg og klassediskussion. Forelæsninger, øvelser, grupperarbejde og rollespil kan også indgå i undervisningen.
Suggested literature:
Thomas Hylland Eriksen 1993: Ethnicity and Nationalism.London: Pluto Press
Benedict Anderson 1991: Imagined Copmmunities. London: Verso