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Work-based and Organisational Learning ( forår 2010 - 15 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: engelsk
  • Niveau: Master
  • Semester/kvarter: Spring
  • Timer per uge: Mandag 10.00-13.00
  • Deltagerbegrænsning: Access generally restricted to MALLL students
  • Undervisningssted: København
  • Hovedområde: Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitetsskole
  • Udbud ID: 17407


On completion of the module, the students will be able to, on a scientific basis:

Demonstrate understanding of different theoretical perspectives on learning, creativity and innovation as well as processes of knowing;

Demonstrate understanding of the implications for viewing change and intervention from different perspectives;

Analyse issues and themes about work-based and organisational learning, creativity and innovation as well as processes of knowing in different institutional contexts and settings;

Discuss and critically assess different positions and arguments on work-based and organisational learning, creativity and innovation as well as processes of knowing;

Communicate a comprehensive and accurate response to a relevant research topic.


The content of this module should be viewed as a continuation and elaboration of issues from the module on "The learning individual in a lifelong perspective". While revisiting some of the issues with regard to learning, innovation and the concept of knowledge as well as facilitating processes of knowing, we also move into an understanding of learning as social processes. Moving into the realm of the social is a prerequisite for understanding how learning, innovation and processes of knowing unfold in workplaces as work-based and organisational learning. In a pursuit to understand that, we need a concept of organisation, of organising and meaning creation and recreation in contexts of collectivities. Thus, the content of the module is centred on providing students with introductions to different theoretical contributions to work-based and organisational learning with the point of departure in the following questions: What is work-based and organisational learning, how may it be studied and initiated? This includes an introduction to an individual and cognitive approach as well as a practice-based and pragmatist approach to organisational and workplace learning, creativity and innovation as well as processes of knowing.

Faglige forudsætninger


Ulrik Brandi
Lotte Darsø
Ib Ravn
Hans Siggaard Jensen
Henrik Nitschke
Jan Sølberg

Undervisnings- og arbejdsform

Teaching in the module is a combination of lectures, classroom discussions, group discussion, student presentation of papers, exercises in class and work with one or more cases. The students are expected to have read the texts beforehand in order to be able to critically assess and discuss the value of individual texts. Students are also expected to make every effort to exercise their capacity for critical understanding during both their preparation and their participation in the sessions as well as to volunteer to make presentations in class in order to prepare for and rehearse oral presentations.



To be announced

Studieordning og bedømmelse

European Masters in Lifelong Learning: Policy and Management

  • Hj.opg. + mdt. ind., bedømt efter 7-skala med ekstern censur

Refer to the programme regluations for further information.