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GM TVP2 Interdisciplinary Project II ( forår 2010 - 10 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: engelsk
  • Niveau: Bachelor
  • Semester/kvarter: 2 nd semester
  • Timer per uge: 14 hours per week.
  • Deltagerbegrænsning: 35 students
  • Undervisningssted: Herning
  • Hovedområde: Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 24911


The objective of the course will be to provide the students with knowledge about the central working methods and theories within main areas of operations management.


In addition, the objective of this second interdisciplinary project is furthermore to enable the student to give an account of this knowledge and to use this knowledge in the following way to complete the course:

- to give the student a broad knowledge of the internal production technology and logistical environment in a small or medium (SME) production company.

- to coach the student in using acquired theoretical and social skills and working methods on practical problems in a (SME) production company.

- to continue working with the skills within problem solving and improve the student's familiarity with the theory of science with the purpose of working out the project report, as introduced in 1 st semester.

- to make the student reflect over the profession regarding manufacturing and its value

- to ensure an exchange of values between the education and the profession (SME) in order to incorporates central ideas and tendencies in the education.


The course contents of GMTVP 2 must be within the subject area taught in the semester in question, i.e.:

- Statistics (GMSTAT1)

- Operations (GMOPE1)

- Global Team work (GMGLV2)


The following technical main areas are estimated as being suitable for the implementation of GMTVP2:


  1. Statistical documentation (Basic production design)


  1. Planning and control


  1. Layout- and flow efficiency


  1. Optimization of Job Design


5. Basic purchasing issues

Through the project, the students obtain practical knowledge about working in a project group and about project management. The planning of the project and the management must be completed and documented by help of "MS Project"


In general, the project must contain the following:

1. Identification of the problem and problem formulation

2. Choice of research methodology.

3. Analysis and presentation of the research results.

4. Draw-up and choice of proposed solution

5. Financial considerations

6. Implementation


On the basis of the problem formulation, a project plan must be prepared in MS Project, which in detail lists the individual phases of the project.

The project must consist of the following:

  1. Main report (must be as short and precise as possible - all elaborating descriptions must be included in the appendices)
  2. Management report
  3. Appendices
    1. Compulsory appendices:

i. An appendix concerning the project company's materials and processes - specific details for this appendix is arranged with the instructor or a trade appendix for the company.

    1. An appendix which support the contents of the main report must be prepared
  2. Process report including MS Project.
    1. MS Project
    2. Reflection over team work, the different team members roll and recommendation for the future
  3. Enclosures (Material, which is not produced by the group)

Project size

As guidelines to the size of the report, the following are established:

- The main report must be a maximum of approximately 50 standard pages

- The management report must be a maximum of approximately 7 standard pages

- The length of the process report: as required

Definition of a standard page:

- Margins top and bottom: 2.5

- Margins right 1.5, bottom 2.0

- Font size: 12

- Line spacing: 1½

The project must be presented in a main report and a process report.

The main report has a max length of 50 standard pages.

Faglige forudsætninger

Concurrently with the project, the student must attend the courses: OPE1, STAT1 and GLV2. Furthermore, the student must have passed the following courses: TVP1, MEL and GLV1.


Poul Erik Nielsen

Undervisnings- og arbejdsform

The course is a combination of the following:

Group work

Project-/problem-oriented teaching

Self study



To be determined later


Project report incl. oral defence. External examiner.

This course ( TVP 2) is evaluated through an oral individual examination based on the prepared project report. On the written examination, each student in the group is evaluated on his/her contribution to the prepared report. The project must clearly state which student is responsible for which part.


The examination takes place on the basis of the main report including management report, process report, appendices, and enclosures.



The examination will take place as follows:

- Optional group presentation (duration 15 minutes) - maximum. The group presentation is optional and does not have influence on the grade.

o It is allowed to include project related conditions, dealing with subjects not addressed in the report.

- Individual examination. Each member of the group is examined for approximately 20 minutes.


The students will receive an individual mark according to the Danish 7-scale.


External examiner.


The re-examination:

The student must prepare a new project which is evaluated by the teacher and an external examiner. No oral examination.

Assessment of the Report:

The project reports will be assessed as follows:

The main report (including appendices and enclosures) is assessed according to the extent to which the group has included relevant aspects including financial considerations in relation to the posed assignment, and to the extent to which the group has succeeded in communicating the chosen solutions and the proposed implementation plan in a professional way.

The report is also assessed on the basis of the involvement of relevant research methods and tools.

Finally the report is assessed on the basis of legibility


The management report is assessed according to the extent to which the group has extracted relevant information from the project report, in order for the management of the project company to make the right solution.


The process report is assessed according to the group's ability to reflect upon the cooperation in the group. Furthermore, the process report is assessed according to the group's ability to manage the project control, including planning and follow-up.

Weighting of the Marks:

The reports including the Management report, compulsory appendices,

process report and enclosures: Approx. 80 %

The presentation at the examination: approx. 20 %.

The final grade is based on the above mentioned and an overall impression

Approximately 60 % of the above mentioned 80 % is on main content of the report (the analysis, the theory, the empiric, the evaluation of the consequences etc.) incl. the appendices, the process report and enclosures.

Approximately 10 % of the above mentioned 80 % in on research methods

Approximately 30 % of the above mentioned 80 % is on legibility.


External examiner.