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G EMPEC Empirical Economics ( forår 2010 - 5 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: engelsk
  • Niveau: Bachelor
  • Semester/kvarter: 2 nd semester
  • Timer per uge: 34 hours in total. Hours per week varies.
  • Deltagerbegrænsning: The project is carried out in project groups of 2 students max.
  • Undervisningssted: Herning
  • Hovedområde: Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 18190


The objective of this course and project is for the student to acquire knowledge of central Danish empirical economic conditions, the structure of EU's single market and the monetary union, new research results and development trends within the subject area. Furthermore, the objective is to equip the student with skills which enable him/her to account for an economic issue in a well-founded, well-structured and informative manner using statistical material. Working independently with empirical economy issues of society educates the student in the scientific method of report writing and problem solution.



The course examines a subject area which is characterised by the students working with the societal problems on the basis of theories of society and science; societal problems which are ever-changing in the dynamic society. Thus, the purpose is for the students to gain an overall view and understanding of the foreign economic problems, which affect central parts of the Danish society and EU, and the interaction which exists between the different constituents.

Therefore, it is important for the students to gain insight into and understanding of the following core empirical conditions in the Danish society. Population, National Accounts, Business Structure, The trades and Industries, The General Government Sector, Inflation, Money and Interest, The Labour Market, External Trade, EU and The Single Market and New Europe, EU and Economic and Monetary Union, Price and Quantity Indices.


By means of the most recent research and statistical data, the students will be capable of responding critically to the ongoing social debate relating to empirical economic issues. Elucidation and presentation of this must be incorporated in a project prepared by the students - in groups of 2 - based on the scientific method for report technique. In this way, the students demonstrate their ability to manage and communicate statistical data, master the problem statement and organise the material which through analysis leads to a conclusion.


Personlig udvikling


The objective is to enable the students to:


Link up core economic problems

Manage large quantities of statistical data in an independent manner

Apply the scientific method as to report writing

Independently evaluate how changes in economic conditions influence the economic development, including changed market and monetary conditions in the EU.

Objectively participate in the social debate



Faglige forudsætninger

1 st semester instruction participation and 1 st semester tests/examinations.


Ebbe Rasmussen

Undervisnings- og arbejdsform


The introduction to the empirical economy is carried out as lectures and discussions on topical economic issues using the curriculum as a point of departure. Some subjects are in the nature of self-studies with the opportunity for discussions.

Furthermore, the students are introduced to descriptive statistics and the application of the scientific method for report writing through lectures based on examples.

The project itself, which is prepared in groups of 2, prompts internal student sparring as well as individual group guidance which takes the form of counsellor-induced coaching.



Erik M. Bøye, "Descriptive Economics 1,2,3"

Susan Senior Nello, "The European Union"

Guideline for making a seminar/project

Statistics material.

Læringsmetoder i %

Lectures 16 %

Course work and discussions 4 %

Coaching 6 %

Self-study 14 %

Preparation for the course 60 %


Approx. 650 pages


Program Niveau

IT generelt Knowledge of - is able to express - identify (1)


Not less than the mark 02 on the Danish 7-point grading scale.

Kriterier for målopnåelse


The student must be able to give an account of the acquired knowledge within the subject area by cumulatively to


- Demonstrate adequate knowledge of literary approaches to the subject


- Evaluate topical empirical issues related to the material within the following areas:


Demographic problems

National Accounts

Business Structure

General Economic Statistic

Agriculture and Fishing

Manufacturing Industries

Trade, Foreign Trade and the Balance of Payment

General Government Sector

Public Finance

Price and Quantity Indices


Labour market

Money, Banking System and the Capital Markets

EU construction

The Single Market

Economic and Monetary Union


- Demonstrate analytical abilities in the use of statistical data


- Give an account of knowledge and the application of that knowledge in clear and explicit didactics and demonstrate mastery of the scientific method for report writing.


Studieordning og bedømmelse

HA international management

  • Mundtlig, bedømt efter 7-skala med intern censur

Using the project as a point of departure, the student is examined in the curriculum.

20 minute examination undertaken by the instructor/the counsellor.


The students receive one mark.