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IPIN 2010: New Media/New Narratives ( forår 2010 - 10 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: engelsk
  • Niveau: BA/MA - tekstarbejde, kerneområder og kulturforståelse (B-fag)
  • Semester/kvarter:  8.-22. august 2010
  • Timer per uge: Sommerskole med 6 undervisningstimer om dagen
  • Deltagerbegrænsning: 40
  • Undervisningssted: Århus
  • Hovedområde: Det Humanistiske Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 18406


‘New Media/New Narratives' is a 2 week Intensive Programme in Narratology (IPIN), designed to meet the needs of students interested in a brief but challenging educational experience during the summer. It takes the teaching of narratives and narrative theory in Europe to the highest possible level by bringing together participants in the leading centres of narrative study in Europe. The programme targets students, mainly masters and advanced bachelors, who are working with narratives for instance in written texts (fiction or non-fiction), in film, in computer games, in organizations and in marketing.
The Intensive Programme in Narratology is a join effort between six large European Universities: Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, University of Tampere, University of Tartu, University of Oslo, University of Southern Denmark and Aarhus University. Students from these partner universities have special financial options (refer to the sections on "grant" and "accommodation" at the homepage http://www.nordisk.au.dk/summerschools/ipin10/ ).


During this year's course we will work with two different but connected interests. On the one hand we will investigate and discuss the many ways new types of media (the SMS-novel, online social networks, computer games, digital literature, hypertext fiction) use, transform and challenge traditional concepts and functions of narratives. On the other hand we will investigate the ways in which traditional media like film and literature strive to make it new by stressing, reinventing, or transgressing the notions of mediality typically assigned to them (experimental/unnatural written narratives, blending of media types, etc.).
Both of these investigations will continually be placed into discussions with central tools and concepts from classical and postclassical narrative theory.
By bringing together students working with film, with literature, with digital media and with other types of narratives, and by using researchers with different views on the question of what constitutes a narrative, the students following this intensive programme will themselves be made aware of the implication of their position in current debates in narratives studies as well as become able to navigate in the theoretical landscape that is narratology now. 

Faglige forudsætninger

To be admitted you must be enrolled at a university. If you are applying for admission to the summer school at master's level, you must hold a bachelor's degree or a minimum of 180 ECTS in your study programme. Students applying for admission at bachelor's level must have completed at least one year of study in a relevant subject.
Students are expected to have a high level of English proficiency, to be able to read the relevant literature and follow the teaching. Documentation may be required verifying the student's proficiency in English at a specified level.


Maria Mäkelä, Marina Grishakova, Henrik Skov Nielsen, Stefan Iversen and other  international scholars. 


Undervisnings- og arbejdsform

The course consists of more than 50 hours of classroom instruction, presented by at least seven different researchers from Germany, Norway, Finland, Estonia, USA and Denmark. In addition, there will be talks presented by guest lecturers. Class attendance is compulsory and students are expected to participate actively in class discussions. Interaction and dialogue between professors and students is something we highly encourage.



Before the course starts a reading list will be distributed to all participants. All texts on the reading list should be read as preparation, as they will be included in lectures during the summer school and in class discussions. The texts will be made available online for the participants in the course.

Studieordning og bedømmelse

Kandidatuddannelsen i nordisk sprog og litteratur

  • Mundtlig, bedømt efter 7-skala med intern censur

Suppleringsuddannelse i Duckpedia

  • Mundtlig, bedømt efter 7-skala med intern censur

Students are assessed on the basis of an oral examination (30 minutes, plus 30 minutes' preparation) and on the basis of a course syllabus consisting of approximately 1,000 pages. To ensure objectivity and quality all students are examined and graded by a teacher and an internal co-examiner. Upon request, and with the permission of both examiners, examinations may be held in one of the Scandinavian languages, otherwise examinations will be in English.