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A7 Optimering og beslutningsstøtte (Q2+Q4) ( forår 2011 - 5 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: engelsk
  • Niveau: Graduate course. Obligatory (automation).
  • Semester/kvarter: Q2 + Q4
  • Timer per uge: 2 hour lectures, 4 hour exercise.
  • Deltagerbegrænsning: None
  • Undervisningssted: Århus
  • Hovedområde: Det Naturvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 28175


The teaching aims towards an overall understanding of the various optimisation methods, in order to make qualified choice of methods in specific situations.


The course gives an introduction to the most important types of decision support systems and methods for decision optimisation.

Part I: Optimization

  1. Mathematical Programming Overview
  2. Linear Programming
  3. Network Problems
  4. Integer Programming (and Binary Integer programming)
  5. Dynamic Programming
  6. Dynamic programming under uncertainty
  7. Queuing Models 
  8. Simulation
  9. Optimisation Algorithms (Exact, Heuristics, etc.) 

Part II: Decision Support Systems (DSS)

  1. Overview on DSS
  2. Constructing a DSS
  3. Other types of Management Support Systems (Expert Systems) 

Faglige forudsætninger

Course: A6 Information and communication technology

Course: A4 System analysis and modeling


 Dionysis Bochtis, e-mail: dionysis.bochtis@agrsci.dk and Claus G. Sørensen.

Undervisnings- og arbejdsform

Lectures and group projects on real-life case studies, encouraging the independent problem approach and solution seeking than the teacher's instruction-based learning.



Williams H P (1999) Model Building in Mathematical Programming , 4 th Edition, Wiley ISBN: 978-0-471-99788-7

Bradley S P ; Hax A C; Magnanti T L (1977) Applied Mathematical Programming. Addison-Wesley

J.G. Ecker and M. Kupferschmid W (1988) Introduction to Operations Research . ISBN 0-471-88445-6, Wiley

Turban E (1988). Decision Support and Expert Systems. 4 th Edition, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-02-421701-8


Aarhus School of Engineering


The general goal is structuring practical real-life decision problems in bio-systems engineering area and developing creative decision options, i.e.:

• Learning to translate the system under question to a mathematical model

• Analyzing the appropriate optimisation technique

• Explain the benefits and tradeoffs of each optimisation technique and suitable optimisation algorithms  

• Explain the uncertainty inherent in such systems

• Quantifying their preferences by structuring their value tradeoffs and examining their attitude towards risk

• Combining their uncertainty and preferences to arrive at optimal decisions

• Select and describe optimal models handling "what if" situations


Step 1: A. Two written reports- projects (in self-selected groups of 2-3 members). The first one regards literature research of DSS implementations on specific topics of bio-systems engineering while the second one regards the design and implementation (to a certain level) of a small-scale decision support system for a real life decision making situation.

B.  One individual report including the modelling and optimization of a selected case study using optimization software.

Step 2: Oral examinations 20-25 min. on the content of the reports. 

Internal examiner - the Danish 7-point grade scale.