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Automated vehicles in plant production (summer course) ( forår 2011 - 5 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: engelsk
  • Niveau: Graduate course
  • Semester/kvarter: Summer course, August 2011
  • Timer per uge: 6-8 lessons each day for two weeks. Prior to the course students are expected to spend 50 hours preparing for the course. After the course students are expected to spend 50 hours doing the project work.
  • Deltagerbegrænsning: None
  • Undervisningssted: Foulum
  • Hovedområde: Det Naturvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 31060


The course introduces the basic concepts in automated vehicles (field robots, semi-autonomous agricultural machines),  focusing  on their use in bio-production systems, and illustrations of current state of the art in terms of research, applications, and prototypes in agricultural automation domain.


Fundamental concepts in robotics and automation including topics such as locomotion, perception, localization, navigation, planning, sensors and sensors integration, planning and control, will be tackled oriented to the case of dynamic and unpredictable environments. Finally aspects regarding scaling up single-unit systems to multiple-unit systems are discussed 

Specific description and topics: 

  • 1. State-of-the-art
  • a. Existing mobile robotic platforms, prototypes and architectures in bio-production systems
  • b. Current advances in automation systems for manned agricultural vehicles (auto-steering systems, vision-based navigation systems, communication and information systems for agricultural vehicles)
  • 2. Sensor systems
  • a. Sensors supporting agricultural vehicles in relation to bio-production tasks that they have been designed to carry out (e.g., weed detection, yield prediction, soil properties measurements, etc.)
  • 3. Navigation systems
  • a. Sensors and sensors integration
  • b. Algorithms (i.e., for path tracing, localisation, obstacle avoidance, etc.)
  • 4. High level control
  • a. Geometric interpretation of the world (building a model from the mobile unit's perception of the bio-production environment in which operation has to be executed)
  • b. Path planning (area coverage planning, motion and route planning methods and algorithms for agricultural vehicles)
  • c. Mission planning for field robots (constructing a plan of actions for the vehicle i.e., to define and deal with the tasks to undertake, the way to perform these tasks, and any constraints that may exist between the tasks or behaviours)

Faglige forudsætninger

Bachelors degree or equivalent. Applicants without a bachelor degree will be evaluated on an individual basis.


Ole Green, E-mail Ole.Green@agrsci.dk , Dionysis Bochtis, Ibrahim Abd El-Hameed & Daniel Sveistrup

Undervisnings- og arbejdsform

Lectures, group-work, exercises, guided tour, questionnaires, presentations and lab exercises.



  • Dudek G; Jenkin M (2000). Computational Principles of Mobile Robotics. Cambridge University Press.
  • laValle S. M. (2006). Planning algorithms. Cambridge University Press.


Aarhus School of Engineering


  • be able to understand and explain the multi-disciplinary aspect of automated vehicles in bio-production systems
  • be able to identify the specific features of a bio-production oriented automated vehicle
  • be able to understand and explain the limitations of the existing platforms, prototypes, and architectures and the challenges that these limitations impose.
  • be able to evaluate the functionality and working dependable operating characteristics for sensors, navigation systems such as Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) and Local Positioning Systems (LPS), systems for energy control, system for control and surveillance
  • be able to understand embedded cognition (sensing inference) for optimal use of robotics and automation
  • be able to consider the selection of system and component in relation to the requirements and differences in the applications


Approval of one report is required in order to enrol to the exam. A written report of about 15 pages is used as the background for an individual oral exam with internal examiner. The exam will cover not only the report, but also what has been taught on the course. The report and the oral examination counts equal, and is evaluated according to the Danish 7 grade scale.