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M22 Biogas from agricultural resources (summer course) ( forår 2011 - 5 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: engelsk
  • Niveau: Graduate course
  • Semester/kvarter: Summer course, first two weeks of August 2011.
  • Timer per uge: 6-8 lessons each day for two weeks. Prior to the course students are expected to spend 50 hours preparing for the course. After the course students are expected to spend 50 hours doing the project work.
  • Deltagerbegrænsning: None
  • Undervisningssted: Foulum
  • Hovedområde: Det Naturvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 31059


The course is an introductory course to all important aspects of biogas production with emphasis on process understanding and how biogas production is optimised in practice.


The course content includes:

  • Introduction to the processes taking place in biogas reactors: How the processes are affected by inhibitors and substrate availability, and how the processes can be organised.
  • The composition of manure, energy crops and other biomasses fed to reactors, and how the composition is used to control loading rates, temperature etc.
  • Round tour at DJF with visits to the facilities related to the biogas plant. (Biogas plant, pig facility, gas engine etc.)
  • Modelling biological and chemical processes in biogas reactors with emphasis on inhibition, affinity, pH and degradation rates - with reference to the ADM1 model and conceptual models.
  • Design and configuration of biogas plants. Under which conditions is it beneficial with one configuration rather than another, and what size biogas plant is needed for a given amount of biomass.
  • Experimental work: Pre-treatment methods (pressure-cooking, maceration, ultra-sound) are demonstrated and or performed, discussed, and evaluated. Batch digestion experiments and data analysis are done in groups.

Faglige forudsætninger

Bachelor degree in the natural sciences, agronomy or equivalent. Applicants without a bachelor degree will be evaluated on an individual basis. Applicants without the formal qualifications, but some years of experience, can attend the course without an exam.


Anders M. Nielsen, E-mail andersm.nielsen@agrsci.dk , Alastair J. Ward & Chitra S. Raju

Undervisnings- og arbejdsform

Lectures, group-work, exercises, guided tour, questionnaires, presentations and lab exercises.


Will be announced


Aarhus School of Engineering


After the course the student should: 

  • be able to evaluate the effect of different pre-treatment methods and the usability of different types of biomasses for biogas production.
  • be able to build a conceptual model of the processes taking place in a biogas reactor, and decide on which processes and conditions to implement in a mechanistic model of a biogas reactor.
  • identify and evaluate the effect of certain changes imposed on a biogas reactor; for example changes in temperature, organic loading rate, and hydraulic retention time.
  • know the most often used reactor designs and configurations, and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of different reactor set-ups and/or configurations.
  • explain the mode of action of various inhibitors, and evaluate and compare prospective technologies for reducing the effect of inhibitory compounds.
  • know the key parameters suitable for monitoring the stability of biogas processes and the methods of measuring them and using them for process control.


Approval of one report is required in order to enrol to the exam. A written report of about 15 pages is used as the background for an individual oral exam with internal examiner. The exam will cover not only the report, but also the text material and lessons. The report and the oral exam count the same in the evaluation, which is evaluated according to the 7 grade scale. Internal examiner.