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Ved bedømmelsen af prøvepræstationen vil der blive lagt vægt på, i hvor høj grad den studerende
- demonstrerer kendskab til emnet og de relevante tekster, teorier og problemstillinger.
- demonstrerer færdighed i emnerelateret litteratursøgning, selektion og disponering af et givet stofområde.
- bruger relevante fagbegreber, -teorier og -terminologier.
- anvender relevante analytiske færdigheder opnået gennem det første års kurser (f.eks. at kunne forklare, fortolke, vurdere, sammenligne og skelne) på et afgrænset, mere detaljeret emneområde inden for engelskstudiet.
Sociolinguistics is the study of the linguistic choices that people make, consciously and unconsciously, as members or aspiring members of social groups. These groups are based on categories that are regarded as socially and culturally meaningful to speakers. They include ethnicity, neighborhood and regional identities, national origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic class, religion, urban versus rural identity. We will see how several of these categories are reflected in phonetics and phonology (vowel quality and prosody), and in discourse style.
We will look at the linguistic behavior of English-speaking bilinguals in the United States and other English-speaking countries, including code-switching (changing languages in mid-conversation). We will also examine what this behavior accomplishes in communication and how it is connected with the bilingual speaker's sense of group identity.
Other topics will include how bilingual New Yorkers display Hispanic identity in their English phonology, although they are frequently native English speakers and have no Spanish accent. Is there a "gay dialect", and if so, why would there be one? Why do lower status dialects persist, even though people of all generations have access to one or more national standard English variety (e.g. English, American, Canadian, Australian) through the media and popular culture? How do social change and linguistic variation contribute to changes in the English language over time? Can all of these questions also be asked in a Danish context, even though English is not spoken natively in Denmark?
Peter Slomanson
Undervisningen i disciplinen foregår på hold, og der lægges vægt på arbejdsformer, der kan omfatte læsning af primær- og sekundærtekster, skriftlige opgaver og/eller mundtlige bidrag fra de studerende, holddiskussioner samt gruppearbejde. Forudsætningen for, at undervisningen forløber tilfredsstillende, er de studerendes regelmæssige tilstedeværelse samt aktive deltagelse i de faglige diskussioner.
We will investigate these and other questions, based on the discoveries of sociolinguistic researchers over the last fifty years. Materials include a course book (title TBA); additional materials in the form of articles will be made available.
Aktiv, tilfredsstillende deltagelse i undervisningen eller bunden skriftlig prøve eller mundtlig eksamen.