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GM GLV2 Organisation Theory and Global Team Work ( forår 2011 - 5 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: engelsk
  • Niveau: Bachelor
  • Semester/kvarter: 2 nd semester
  • Timer per uge: Hours in total: 48 lessons. Hours per week varies.
  • Deltagerbegrænsning: 40 students
  • Undervisningssted: Herning
  • Hovedområde: Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 29595


The objectives of the course are:

· To provide the student with broad and practical knowledge of organisation theory and team work through theoretical problems and practical cases

· to further expand on the students basic knowledge acquired in GLV1 about some of the interpersonal mechanisms existing between people in different cultures relating organisational theoretical problems in the company and its surrounding as well as to team work

· to train the student in perspectivating the acquired theoretical and/or practical knowledge in different practical organisation and team work problems

· To further strengthen and train the student's capabilities in organisation theory and project oriented teamwork in a company by describing parts of problems through analysing the problem.

· To gain practical knowledge about planning and solving a defined problem within specific organisational and teamwork problems resulting in a documented and usable solution.

· To ensure that the student acquires routines with organisational and teamwork practical problems within their field of profession.

· In addition, the objective is to enable the student to give an account of this knowledge, use this knowledge in the terms of the issues related to the subject area as well as to formulate an account of the knowledge in a scientific way on completion of the course.


Organisation Theory:

- To provide the student with the ability to limit and carry through research of organisational theoretical problems in the company and its surroundings

- To provide the student with knowledge about the basic elements of the organisational psychological methodology.

- To provide the student with knowledge about the traditional and modern organisational theoretical contributions to the description of the organisation and the management problems involved.

- To provide the student with knowledge and detailed understanding of the organisational processes, problems and solutions.

- To provide the student with knowledge about the factors influencing efficiency and joy of work among people and make the student capable of solving and prevent conflicts.

- To make the student capable of analysing and presenting solutions to organisational problems.

- To broaden the student's knowledge and understanding of the quality management standards available, and be able to estimate the need for, or ability to get quality certificates.

- To make the student capable of estimating and applying the technical and mathematical methods available for input, output, and production control incl. control and measuring techniques, and be able to suggest methods for analysis of the quality level of the company.

- To provide the student with understanding of the significance of quality work throughout a company, and be able to estimate the quality state of a company.


Special attention will be on:

- How to structure the company efficiently and appropriately?

- What is the relation between structure and efficiency?

- How to promote innovation and new ways of thinking at all levels in the company?

- How to bring a group from its initial forming stage to a stage in which it is highly effective?

- What management roles and styles exist and how are they applied in relation to motivating the employees?

- How can culture and value based management contribute to sustainable development?

- How to handle the processes which create effective changes?


Global Team Work:


Management and participation in team work is a highly complex task especially in the new global world, where national bounded values, behaviour and skills influence on the process.


Through this course central debates on the concept of team work will be discussed from different angles. The subject will be introduced in the light of both managerial and social science approaches and theories.


Special attention will be on:


  1. Teams work - why / why not
  2. Definition
  3. Different models
  4. Team leadership
  5. Team efficiency
  6. Obstacles - solutions
  7. Management role
  8. Team competencies


To describe the implications of teamwork theories and empirical case-material will be presented. Through group work and practical classroom exercises, the students will gain an insight to the implications of team work and central debates of the area.

Personal development

Understanding and using organisational theoretical problems and solutions in the company and its surroundings, as well as understanding and using team work / team building as a management and personal tool.


Develop the students' creative skills in finding the optimal solutions for the given problem - theoretical and/or practical.

Faglige forudsætninger

The student must have passed the course GLV1


Ulla Bøge Mikkelsen

Undervisnings- og arbejdsform

Lectures, project work and some self-study.


Managing Organisations: Text, Reading & Cases, Robert H. Rosenfeld & David C. Wilson, McGraw Hill, 2. edition


The Wisdom of Teams: Creating the High Performance Organization, Katzenbach and Smith, Harvard Business School Press, 1992


Notes and Articles on Blackboard

Learning methods in % of ECTS load

Lecture 35 %

Group work 15 %

Self-study 20 %

Preparation for the course 30 %

Required/recommended reading

See "Literature"

IT skills


Requirements for passing an examination

A "Passed" or "Not passed" mark will be granted on the basis of assignments that are turned in on time.


Students must follow this course to be allowed taking the exam in the interdisciplinary project TVP2.

Criteria for achieving objectives

· The student must be able to give an account of the acquired knowledge within the organisation and teamwork theory by cumulatively to

· demonstrate adequate knowledge of literary approaches to the subject

· demonstrate wider and more detailed knowledge of literary approaches to the subject

· demonstrate systematised and comparative knowledge of literary approaches to the subject

· discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each individual approach and its arguments on a literary, systematic basis

· discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each individual approach and its arguments on a not necessarily literary, systematic basis.


· In addition, the student must be able to use own acquired knowledge within the organisation and teamwork theory as well as to use acquired knowledge from the GLV1 by cumulatively to

· demonstrate adequate knowledge of single literary approaches to issues related to the subject

· demonstrate wider and more detailed knowledge of literary approaches to issues related to the subject and to use adequate methodology for solving problems

· demonstrate systematised and comparative knowledge of literary approaches to issues related to the subject (to be able to describe, list)

· discuss the strengths and weaknesses of different literary approaches for solving issues and their solution contribution in a literary way (to be able to understand, explain, analyse, use)

· think out, discuss and argue independently for approaches to issues and/or demonstrate independent formation of hypothesis, concept and model in a not necessarily literary way (to be able to generate, theorise, form hypotheses, reflect, put into perspective).


· Finally, the student must be able to perspectivate the acquired theoretical and/practical knowledge within the organisation and teamwork by cumulatively to

· give an account of gained knowledge and use of knowledge in an easily understandable way

· give an account of knowledge and use of knowledge in a well-structured way and with good efficiency (only include content which is relevant to the subject)

· give an account of knowledge and use of knowledge in a clear and explicit didactic, explanation- and/or comprehension-oriented with metacommunication when necessary and well-placed. Is able to apply scientific standard modes of expression adapted to - or developed in relation to the subject and the task.




Oral examination

Assignment excl. oral defence