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GM IME International Managerial Economics (incl. Business Decisions Game) ( forår 2011 - 10 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: engelsk
  • Niveau: Bachelor
  • Semester/kvarter: 3 rd and 4 th semesters
  • Timer per uge: 70 lectures and 38 tutorials in total. Hours per week varies.
  • Deltagerbegrænsning: None
  • Undervisningssted: Herning
  • Hovedområde: Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 29601


The purpose of International Managerial Economics is that the student acquires knowledge about the core concepts within the subject of Business Economics. Furthermore the purpose is that the student after ended the course is able to explain the core concepts within the subject of Business Economics, so that the student learns to use them in solving specific problems in Business Economics.


The course consists of a series of courses and a series of tutorials, as described in the timetable contained in the Study Guide. There is a continuous and close connection between the course content and the assignments the students tackle in the tutorials.


A series of topics from classical Managerial Economics are treated:


· The production function and production theory.

· Different cost types, the cost structure of the business. Cost functions.

· Demand and different types of markets.

· Optimizing models on different markets and under different production forms.

· The price policies and the product policies of the enterprise.


The organizational theory will be considered from the following viewpoint:


· Designing organizational architecture

· Application of organizational architecture


Strategy will be considered under the following viewpoint:


· Management strategy

· External analysis and internal analysis


Under Capital Budgeting and Financial Theory among other factors the following will be considered:


· Time value of money

· Using Discounted Cash-Flow Analysis to make Investment Decisions

· Rules of Finance

· Financing with Equity Capital

· Financing with Debt Capital

· Evaluation of Loans



In the series of tutorials the students work in groups with specific issues arising from the courses. The students are presented with both very specific problems, to which they are asked to find specific solutions as well as so-called open problems where unambiguous answers are not given. In the series of exercises, there is also training in the overall techniques of Business Economics reasoning.

Faglige forudsætninger

The courses: MAT1, OPE1 must have been passed by the student.


Kristian Møller

Undervisnings- og arbejdsform

The teaching methods are lectures and tutorials. In the series of tutorials the students work in groups with specific issues arising from the courses.


  1. James Brickley, Clifford Smith and Jerold Zimmerman: Managerial Economics and Organizational Architecture, latest edition - McGraw-Hill


  1. Daniel Spulber: Management Strategy, latest edition - McGraw-Hill


  1. Materials on Blackboard


2 individual oral exams on the basis of two written group reports