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GM TS1 Mandatory Engineering Traineeship ( forår 2011 - 30 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: engelsk
  • Niveau: Bachelor
  • Semester/kvarter: 6 th semester
  • Timer per uge: The student is expected to lay in a full time work week in the mandatory traineeship, i.e. aproximately 37 hours per week.
  • Deltagerbegrænsning: 35 students
  • Undervisningssted: Herning
  • Hovedområde: Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 29603


The main objective of the traineeship is to enable the student to use the theoretical models and/or tools learned in the educational environment. Furthermore, starting with a practical problem, the student will have an opportunity to, independently adjudge the relevance of any learnt theories and/or tools in order to identify possible alternative solutions to the identified problem/s. The traineeship also enables the student to independently seek within databases for further theoretical perspectives to a practical problem so that the student is capable of combining fragments of data from the empirical and theoretical spheres.

The traineeship should furthermore give the student practical skills and insight in differing business processes, environmental, economic and organisational relationships within the company combined with engineering functions and methods so that these can be used by the student in his/her future educational/professional career.


The content of the traineeship can range over all areas which were covered in the first 2½ years of the GMM education. It can however, over a shorter period, also include skill or job tasks such as operator on a production line or equivalent.

The GMM education is built around a number of central professional disciplines, which is why it is expected that the traineeship's content lies within:

Ø Production technique and internal logistics

Ø Environmental management and quality control

Ø Management, including project management and economics

Ø Product development and technology analysis and development

Ø Logistics, purchasing and supply chain management

Ø Strategy processes, (corporation, SBU and functional strategies).

The student will, in cooperation with the focal company, develop a job description which is to be approved by the AU-IBT appointed advisor or the course responsible.

Personal development

No remarks

Faglige forudsætninger

All preceding subjects are to be passed or approved before commencement of the traineeship.


John Bang Mathiassen (responsible)

Undervisnings- og arbejdsform

On-the-job training and a large degree of independent study of relevant theories. Any relevant literature is to be discussed with the AU-IBAT appointed advisor.




Learning methods in % of ECTS load

Problem-/Project oriented work 100 %

Required/recommended reading

None (?)

IT skills


Requirements for passing an examination

Approval procedure:

A passing grade for the trainee period is a split into the parts, declaration from the focal company, a trainee report and participation in the traineeship follow up meetings.

Ø Company declaration:

At the end of the traineeship the focal company is to compile a declaration of the traineeship, this is to include absenteeism. This declaration is to be forwarded direct to AU-IBAT.

Ø Trainee report:

The student is to compile a short trainee report, (1-2 pages), in which is contained both professional as well as personal experiences. With this report is to follow a photograph of the student at work in/for the focal company. The focal company is to give permission for publication of the report, including photo, to be published on www.hih.dk. If the company does not wish publication then it is imperative that there also follows a written request for non publication.

Ø Traineeship follow up:

Before traineeship approval can take place there will be held an ERFA-day in which advisors and students from the 4th semester will participate. This follow up will be held at the end of the 6 th semester or in the beginning of the 7 th semester, the final date will be published on AU-IBAT's information system, (blackboard). The student will at this opportunity share their experiences, (professional, social and personal). This enables the opportunity for all students to exchange their own experience as well as ask questions and offer advice.

Criteria for achieving objectives

  • The student must give an account of the accumulated knowledge from the traineeship by:
    • Proving the ability to combine theories with practical task/s of the traineeship, so that the individual pieces of fact based knowledge can be combined.

o Showing a systematic and comparative knowledge to the literature used to within the subject area

  • The student must be able to give an account of the acquired knowledge within the subject area by cumulatively :
    • Showing systematic and combined knowledge of differing theoretical perspectives of problems within the subject area
    • Showing an understanding of strengths and weaknesses of the applied methodical approach to the identified practical problem areas, the chosen theoretical perspective - tools and models.

  • Finally, the student must be capable of formulating their knowledge of the problem area and domain of their education by cumulatively :

o By explicitly explaining the use of theories, tools, and methods in relation to the traineeships identified problem/s.


The traineeship is evaluated on a pass/fail basis based upon the focal company's trainee declaration, participation in trainee summaries and a trainee report.