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U DLS Developing Life Skills ( forår 2011 - 5 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: engelsk
  • Niveau:   Bachelor
  • Semester/kvarter:   Every semester - Elective course
  • Timer per uge: 2 - 3 hours
  • Deltagerbegrænsning: -
  • Undervisningssted: Herning
  • Hovedområde: Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 29590



The course 'Developing Life Skills' offered to all AU-IBT students* has the purpose of developing the student's personal skills and approaches to positively being able to make use of his/her knowledge to pursue all the opportunities life offers for the benefit of the individual and society.


The course is a valuable preparation for students who wish to study for the MSc in Innovation Management (cand.oecon.) at AU-IBT.


Development of the personal skills and approaches is based on the student's accumulated knowledge and specific competencies. By means of a targeted, pedagogical staging in connection with solution of an open problem in interdisciplinary teams, focus will among other things be on the development of each student's:  


  • self-confidence
  • ability to self-motivation
  • willingness to take risks
  • ability to assess the consequences of own decisions
  • will and ability to advance new solutions in the culture in which you work.


* Except BDE students



The enterprising human being!

In the knowledge economy, the ability to create new knowledge in a creative and transdisciplinary way, and to convert and apply existing knowledge in new ways is an essential source of growth. Thus, human resources and development of creative competencies are decisive factors when promoting innovation. In this course, development of such competencies is attached to a concept which extends beyond acquired skills and towards a concept which can capture all the cooperative strengths in a human being, incl. the person's ability and willingness to make this happen.

Therefore, the enterprising human being has a natural ability and will to make use of his/her knowledge and experience for the benefit of him-/herself and surroundings. A large part of being innovative is about having the skill and will to identify opportunities, be inspired and at the same time be realistic and consider any possible barriers.     


When having the ability to be innovative, you can turn knowledge into new products, services, forms of organisation or working and learning methods.


In this course, focus is primarily on four areas:


  • Develop the ability to self-learning further
  • Improve self-confidence and motivation of each student
  • Develop practical skills which are necessary in order for the student to initiate ideas and pursue them
  • - Gain experience in making and developing teams, thus being able to implement projects successfully.

In order to develop an enterprising behaviour, it is recommended* that the teaching in this course will enhance the following competencies:

Learning outcomes and competencies:

The student must:

  • be able to apply known knowledge in new contexts at the end of the course
  • be able to apply various methods for idea development as well as have knowledge about product development/development of services
  • have gained experience within interdisciplinary cooperation and conflict resolution as well as master techniques within sale
  • have obtained a robustness towards radical changes as well as be able to carry out a task without a specific purpose
  • be conscious about the meaning of a professional network and create a network by participating in the course.


At this level, the student must acquire competencies in thinking cross-disciplinary as well as across opportunities. The student must to a greater extent be investigative both in connection with own learning and building a professional network.

*) Entreprenørskab i Undervisningen ,
2 nd edition, March 2008




Idea development - methods

Creative project plans

New ways of combining old



Innovation management/self-management

Conflict resolution

Product/service development

Sales competencies 

Interdisciplinary cooperation

Financial understanding



Chaos-robustness/navigation ability

Link opportunities

Creation of a professional network



It is strived that all courses from each study programme are brought into play by means of the interdisciplinary project work attached to this course.

Therefore, each course participant must be acquainted with the educational goals on each study programme in order to be able to apply the available knowledge in the interdisciplinary team when optimising the solution space of the interdisciplinary project work.

The practical exercises necessary to develop the outlined learning goals and competencies will be made available by means of a project task and the didactic staging of this which must be solved by all the established interdisciplinary teams.     


The project assignment is to develop and describe the overall scope, the daily organisation and the events and services which a successful student organisation must contain with the purpose of creating and continuously developing an innovative AU-IBT culture. Such a culture can create pride, vitality and cohesion within the student community at AU-IBT.

The suggested solution must also contain carefully worked out budgets documenting the possibility of raising the necessary financial resources in the short and long run (1-5 years). 


A specific problem must be solved for the contractor AU-IBT. The interdisciplinary project task, which each team must prepare, has the purpose of preparing a scenario of development, establishment and implementation of a successful student organisation at AU-IBT.


The students have entirely special conditions for being active and appreciated employees to solve the task in question; they all take an active part in the solution and are among the most knowledgeable about their own and the target group's needs and wishes, since they all want to be consumers of such a student organisation.


The pedagogical staging of the interdisciplinary project work and the actual task of developing and describing the overall scope, the daily organisation and the events and services which a successful student organisation must contain with the purpose of creating and continuously developing an innovative AU-IBT culture will be a contributing factor to, among other things:


  1. develop the student's innovative skills and desire to explore the unknown
  2. develop the student's social and interpersonal skills
  3. stimulate the student to increase the knowledge of democratic institutions and social innovation
  4. increase the student's knowledge of the financial and cultural resources in the local environment
  5. develop the student's skills in using interdisciplinarity positively and have the importance of establishing and developing high-performance teams.  


Problem statement:

Each team's problem statement is prepared on the basis of, among other things, a preliminary interview with AU-IBT's management concerning the challenge of preparing a scenario describing and documenting in detail the best way to establish and develop a successful student organisation at AU-IBT.


The basis of a proper problem statement is to be found in the collective knowledge which the team has accumulated over the past four semesters as well as the literature treated in the part courses ‘Innovation Management' , ‘Enterprising' (the culture of entrepreneurship - the culture of independence - the culture of innovation) and ‘Team Building'.


In the problem statement, a paragraph describing the interdisciplinary team's reflections and considerations in terms of methods and structures, which have been considered and introductorily chosen to solve the posed problem, must be included.

In addition, the problem statement must contain a list of the identified stakeholders and the five most important stakeholders must form the basis of the supplementary choice of literature found initially.


The student organisation recommended by the team, i.e. functional, peripheral and psychological skills, must be defined.


Please see appendix to the course description concerning

•01)  Description of the central elements in connection with the project and the evaluation of the project

•02)  Method

•03)  Joint exercise and the overall scope of the joint exercise

•04)  Evaluation criteria of the joint exercise

•05)  The overall scope of the presentation of the joint exercise.

Faglige forudsætninger


Development of the personal skills and approaches are based on the student's accumulated knowledge and specific subject knowledge.



Hans Jessen Møller

Undervisnings- og arbejdsform


The course is based on project work and self-study except three part courses with concrete teaching.

The students may ask advice from his/her supervisor and coach/mentors as well as relevant teachers at AU-IBT. In addition, the student must independently make information search within the subject area of the specific innovation object.





All teaching material from previous semesters + the literature read in the three part courses ‘Innovation Management', ‘Enterprising' and ‘Team Building'. Curriculum will be available at the beginning of the course.  

Please note that all read literature must be documented in the report.

Studieordning og bedømmelse


  • Hj.opg. + mdt. ind., bedømt efter 7-skala med intern censur


Oral evaluation of the course participants based on the submitted reports.

Internal censorship.


Reports and examination may take place in Danish if requested by the students.