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Visual Media Production / Making Short Fiction Films (Summerschool) ( forår 2011 - 10 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: engelsk
  • Niveau: Bachelor
  • Semester/kvarter: Summerschool week 31- 35 2011
  • Timer per uge:
  • Deltagerbegrænsning: 10 participants.
  • Undervisningssted: Århus
  • Hovedområde: Det Humanistiske Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 30414


Participants in this hands-on production course will learn the basics of short film storytelling and after developing a script and storyboard for a 4-7 minute film, will carry out the various pre-production tasks, including casting and location scouting, after which they will shoot and edit their films. While good production values will of course be a concern, the main emphasis will be on understanding the nature of short film storytelling and learning to identify and to solve storytelling problems.


The main conceptual framework for this course will be a non-formulaic model based on the view that short film storytelling can best be described in terms of opposing properties that balance and complete one another in a dynamic interplay. An approach of this kind is not only more open than the standard sequential and actant models, but also better suited to catching the most common beginner mistakes when short films are produced by student filmmakers. However other narrative and dramaturgical models will also be considered and students wishing to draw on them as well will of course be welcome to do so.

While participants will be encouraged to pursue their own creative vision, they will also be expected to learn and master narrative conventions and to take seriously (though not automatically comply with) the suggestions offered during feedback sessions throughout the production process. Participants will also be encouraged to draw on whatever experience they have acquired in earlier course work with narratives or dramaturgy of various kinds, and to make full use of other talents and skills they may happen to have - for example in composing music, writing convincing dialogue, drawing a storyboard, working with picture composition, managing camera settings and lighting, designing sets, or performing as actors.

Faglige forudsætninger

No previous experience with production equipment or short film storytelling is required.


Richard Raskin

Undervisnings- og arbejdsform

Participants in this intensive, month-long course will work in five-person production teams. There will be plenary sessions, mainly at the start of the course on storytelling strategies in the short fiction film, while most subsequent meetings during script development and production will involve individual production teams, in keeping with a primary focus on group projects. Basic instruction will be given in the use of semi-professional cameras and the Final Cut Pro editing program during the first week of the course.   

Students are encouraged to contact the teacher, Richard Raskin, at raskin@imv.au.dk, to request course schedules and to ask any questions they may have about the course.



A selection of essays by R. Raskin, including "Story design in the short fiction film" (2008); "On pacing in the short fiction film" (2006); and "The Art of the Short Fiction Film: Guidelines for Student Filmmakers" (2002). These texts will be provided either as handouts or in electronic form at the start of the course.


The production itself, accompanied by a 6-page report.