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Educate students in the medical application of nanotechnology for diagnosis, treatment and management of human health.
The course covers numerous aspects of nanomedicine focused on 1) nanoparticle-based drug delivery and bioimaging and 2) regenerative medicine and tissue engineering. A basic understanding of host responses to foreign material and surface engineered solutions will be used as an introduction to the current and potential nano-based drug delivery and imaging systems and medical implants in the clinic. Regulatory aspects including nanotoxicology issues will be addressed. Students will have the opportunity during the course to identify current therapeutic drawbacks and design nanomedicine solutions tailored to a particular disease.
Molecular Biology and/or Biochemistry at the level of the Bachelors Degree in nanoscience.
Organiser: Ken Howard
University address: iNANO Center, Ny Munkegade Building 1521
Telephone number: 8942 3207
E-mail: kenh@inano.au.dk
Other lecturers: Morten Andersen, Thomas Vorup-Jensen and Elena Ferapontova.
4 hours of lectures and 2 hours of excercise per week for 7 weeks.
Materials: English
Lectures: English
Lecture notes will be handed out during the course
48 hours (2 days and nights) take-home assignment.
Graded according to the 7-level scale. Internal censorship.
Re-exam: After agreement with the course responsible.