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(Ud)dannelse og barberi ( forår 2011 - 10 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: dansk
  • Niveau: Kandidat
  • Semester/kvarter: Forår
  • Timer per uge: København: Torsdage kl. 12:30-15:30
  • Deltagerbegrænsning:
  • Undervisningssted: København
  • Hovedområde: Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitetsskole
  • Udbud ID: 26136


På tværfaglig videnskabelig baggrund vil fokus for tilvalgsfaget "uddannelse, politik, arbejde og demokrati" være rettet mod empiriske og teoretiske idéer og viden omkring globaliseringen og nuværende samfundsmæssige udviklinger i forbindelse med emnerne uddannelse, arbejde, demokrati og politik.
Efter gennemført tilvalgsfag kan den studerende på et videnskabeligt grundlag:

  • Identificere, formulere, analysere og diskutere samfundsteorier inden for områderne pædagogisk sociologi, politisk socialisation, pædagogik og socialt arbejde;
  • Reflektere kritisk med hensyn til socialt adfærd og praksis;
  • Identificere og diskutere historiske, politiske såvel som nuværende betingelser af samfundsmæssige strukturer, henholdsvis dialektik af samfundsmæssige magtrelationer;
  • Og diskutere fremtidens pædagogiske og politiske udfordringer og alternativer/modeller for et bedre samfund.


Following Adorno's thinking that all educational, philosophical and sociological ambition and endeavour has to have the aim that "Auschwitz" will never happen again the module "(ud)dannelse og barbari" will describe, analyze, and discuss processes of both identity and collective identity processes deriving from various societal developments.
Thus past as well as contemporary relations between (ud)dannelse og barbari are focus of discussion to understand societal relations and problems that lead to discrimination, exclusion and stigmatization of any group with national, ethnical, racial, religious or other background. To face the democratic demand of education, i.e. the (pre)conditions of educational development to ensure the possibility for democracy - namely (critical) citizenship education - and to discuss and analyze contradictory elements in educational institutions, educational practices and praxis as well as in politics is the main aim of this module.
It is crucial to understand the relation between theory and praxis as well as the relation between education and alienation to analyze adequately educational, pedagogical as well as social work's contemporary challenges in Denmark, Europe - as well as in a global framework. One major goal is to think about contemporary as well as (alternative) future possibilities to produce scientific based knowledge and modes of action against discrimination and barbaric tendencies to stabilize the foundation of democracy and an utopian vision that is worth striving for.

Faglige forudsætninger


Dirk Michel, dimi@dpu.dk


Undervisnings- og arbejdsform

Engelsk og dansk

