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Modellering af kritiske Systemer (TIMOMI1U01) (Q4) ( forår 2011 - 5 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: engelsk
  • Niveau: Graduate course.
  • Semester/kvarter: Q4
  • Timer per uge: 4
  • Deltagerbegrænsning: None
  • Undervisningssted: Århus
  • Hovedområde: Ingeniørhøjskolen
  • Udbud ID: 29766


The objective of the course is that the students acquire the basic principles and practical hands-on for modelling and validation of critical systems using models in VDM++. This will in particular increase the understanding of the different levels of abstraction a critical system can be modelled at.


This course contains:

  • The process for formal modelling using a combination of UML and VDM++.
  • The available tool support for validation and analysis of models.
  • Logic and basic primitives in VDM++ and UML class diagrams.
  • Modelling in VDM++ using sets.
  • Modelling in VDM++ using sequences.
  • Modelling in VDM++ using mappings.
  • Concurrent primitives in VDM++.
  • Different validation techniques for critical models.
  • Introduction to real-time and distributed extensions of VDM++.

All subjects will be introduced by examples inspired from industrial applications and in addition the projects the students can select for their projects will be realistic critical systems. 

Faglige forudsætninger

The course assumes an understanding of discrete mathematics and elementary experience with object-oriented programming including notions such as inheritance known from programming languages such as C++ or Java.


Peter Gorm Larsen

Undervisnings- og arbejdsform

Lectures and a project developed by each group.


John Fitzgerald, Peter Gorm Larsen, Paul Mukherjee, Nico Plat and Marcel Verhoef: Validated Designs for Object-oriented Systems, Springer Verlag, 2005, ISBN 1-85233-881-4.


Development Guidelines for Real-Time Systems Using VDM, Overture technical report 006


June, re-examination after appointment with lecturer


Aarhus School of Engineering (ASE)

Tilmelding til undervisning



The participants must at the end of the course be able to:

  • Explain and compare advantages and disadvantages with alternative abstractions in relation to the purpose of a precise model.
  • Explain constructs and concepts in the modelling language VDM++.
  • Define and explain syntax and semantics for VDM++.
  • Compare alternative techniques for validating VDM++ models.
  • Apply VDM++ with the associated tool support for abstract and precise modelling and validation of critical systems.

Evaluate practical use of VDM++ for the modelling and validation of concrete critical systems. 


Oral exam (20 min.) without preparation. 7-scale, external examiner.