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Test af Distribuerede Systemer (TITEDI1U01) (Q4) ( forår 2011 - 5 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: engelsk
  • Niveau: Graduate course
  • Semester/kvarter: Q4
  • Timer per uge: 4
  • Deltagerbegrænsning: None
  • Undervisningssted: Århus
  • Hovedområde: Ingeniørhøjskolen
  • Udbud ID: 29760


Course participants will after the course have obtained insight into selected areas of the problems that are associated with the construction and verification of distributed IT-systems.


The course touches upon subjects within the area of test of distributed systems, such as the possibilities of establishing of a common, global time reference in distributed systems with an eye towards verification of temporal characteristics/predicates, and the possibilities of verifying predicates concerning global state of distributed systems. In that context, we will explore the possibilities of using tools that, based on formal methods and models, can help verify features distributed systems.

Faglige forudsætninger

Familiarity with basic test methods and tools such as unit test and unit test frameworks, mocks and tools for automatic generation of mock objects, integration test and test coverage concepts.


Steen Krøyer and Peter Gorm Larsen

Undervisnings- og arbejdsform

Lectures/exercises (4h/week)





June, re-examination after appointment with lecturer


Aarhus School of Engineering (ASE)


The participants must at the end of the course be able to:

  • Define and describe fundamental problems associated with test of distributed systems.
  • Analyze and explain fundamental problems associated with verification of predicates on global and temporal qualities in distributed systems.
  • Compare and assess different possible schemes for verifying predicates on global and temporal qualities in distributed systems.

Use a tool for abstract description and verification of qualities of distributed systems, including explaining advantages and weaknesses of using such a tool.


Oral exam (20 min) without preparation, 7-scale, internal examiner