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5195: Innovation Management ( forår 2011 - 10 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: engelsk
  • Niveau: MSc course (elective, project based) (Old course code: 4195)  
  • Semester/kvarter: Spring 2010  
  • Timer per uge: 4 hours per week for 3 weeks plus 3 seminar meetings (mandatory) of 2 hours combined with project work and on-line learning activities, in total 48 lectures hours' equivalents. See time table at www.econ.au.dk/teaching/elective-courses/ for time and lecture room  
  • Deltagerbegrænsning: A maximum of 30 students.   
  • Undervisningssted: Århus
  • Hovedområde: Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 26238



After following this course, students should be able to:

  • Apply the fundamentals of innovation management to business problems and/or opportunities.
  • Formulate and apply relevant strategies to address innovation issues faced by companies.
  • Formulate a relevant project topic in the area of innovation management and apply suitable theories to carry out case analysis.
  • Reflect on the complexities of innovation management.



Innovation management is a strategic competence essential for company profit,
competitiveness and sustainability. It is also a discipline of high complexity.
Developing new products contain many benefits if performed right but there exist
multiple barriers and pitfalls for organizations to handle. The aim of this course is to
give students insights into innovation management from business, strategic and economic perspectives. It is expected that students will be able to reflect on the complexities of new product development. The course contains a common component which introduces an overview of innovation management challenges and host on-line learning activities. The project component of the course addresses group-selected topics in the field of innovation management. Projects are to address one of the course topics but students are welcome to include other management theories also in their projects. Each project should contain a theoretical part, a case analysis or equivalent and a discussion of theory and case.

Projects may address innovation topics as for example:

  • Economic performance of innovations
  • Global management challenges of innovations
  • Issues of team management for successful innovations
  • Strategic management of innovations
  • Corporate benefits of social innovations
  • Managerial challenges of implementing open innovation

Topics are not limited to theses areas of innovation, but are placed here as

1. Disruptive innovations
2. Open innovations
3. Innovation economics
4. Corporate social innovations
5. Strategic management of innovation
6. Capabilities of innovation



Faglige forudsætninger

One of the following courses:

  • International management
  • Theory of industrial organisations
  • Organizational economics
  • Theories of the firm
  • User-driven innovation management
  • Human resource management




Kristina Risom Jespersen


Undervisnings- og arbejdsform

Lectures on course curriculum during the first 3 weeks of course. In the second part
of the course, theoretical or empirical projects are carried out in groups of up to four
students. Lectures are replaced by regular group presentations of on-going project
work at three mandatory seminars as well as by on-line learning activities. Each
group is expected to collect and absorb additional literature depending on choice of
topic. A requirement for taking the exam is a written project report (approx. 15 pages
per group member).





The common course curriculum will be based on excerpts from research articles placed in a compendium equivalent of 300 pages (approx. 18 articles). In addition lecture notes, learning activities and other selected articles are part of curriculum. Each project group is expected to select further literature based on the topic chosen, which will consists of approximately 100 pages (shown in the references of the project). The full course curriculum for the exam will consist of approx. 450 pages.  



Individual oral examination of 20 minute's duration based on project report and
course curriculum. Students are expected to appropriately present the completed
project both in writing and orally.